8/28 Mtg Recap and Updates

  • Mtg recap- It was a quick board meeting this week. We had a brief discussion about items that trustees and residents would like to see on the budget this coming year. Universally, improving bike and pedestrian safety was on the wish list. As a lung doc interested in promoting clean air and as a dad of 2 Cumberland girls, this is my big issue for the coming year. Anything that keeps our kids safer and promotes walking/ biking instead of driving has my support. If you have any requests for the Village to consider in its upcoming budget cycle please let me know.

  • Fox Bay Update- Trustee Raisa Koltun and I have been continuing to meet with the owners of the Fox Bay Theater building (along with BID Director Lexie Deblitz and Village Mgr Paul Boening) on a regular basis and there has indeed been forward progress. The owners are solidifying on a concept but are not yet ready to share this with the public. Rest assured, however- there is real and tangible forward progress and the owners are committed to making good on their promise of opening that space and see the value in developing it as a community gathering space.

  • Reflections- Stepping back, this last month has been one of reflection and reset for me. It's been 1 1/4 years since taking office, and I've learned a lot! Meeting or talking to so many of you has given me a deeper appreciation for how Whitefish Bay truly is a "village of experts." You've taught me about hyperlocal journalism, about environmentalism, about building codes and community development, about supporting and promoting small business, just to name a few. And you've kept me focused on your priorities: preserving our community's charm, promoting safety for our kids, and pushing for Silver Spring food and beverage options as well as re-opening the Fox Bay Theater space.

    I've also learned that sometimes, progress is defined by simply bringing new ideas forward that gets people thinking and talking. I remain committed in continuing to bring discussions forward that I believe our community needs to have: how to continue to promote bike/ pedestrian safety, how to be forward-thinking from an environmental standpoint, how to balance rising property values with the need to remain welcoming to young families, and how to look ahead to inevitable building re-development along the Henry Clay and Silver Spring corridors.

I look forward to your thoughts and comments! And as always, feel free to share!


Sept Updates


Safety around Schools and June 5 Mtg Recap