Bike Safety, Bay Leaves, new Library speaker series

Key Points/ TLDR:

  • The Public Works committee is doing great work on bike and pedestrian safety. At this week’s meeting there was a nice roadmap (page 10 of the meeting agenda) of planned initiatives. I’m grateful to the committee for their attention and commitment to keeping our streets safe for my girls and me to walk and bike on! I am hopeful to see improvements to our village road infrastructure as well (e.g. protected bike lanes, better signage) and I know they are actively considering this.

  • I am investigating options for a re-branding of Bay Leaves to make it a magazine that inspires us by highlighting great things our neighbors are doing, educates us about village happenings and new businesses in the community and builds community by spotlighting residents from different walks of life and helping to connect folks working in related fields. I hope to have this on an upcoming village board agenda and will be sure to details of this vision.

  • As a Library Board member I’m proud to have helped create a new Neighbors series starting this spring. It will be a quarterly (for now) series where we invite our neighbors to come in and introduce themselves and talk about their culture and life experiences as Bay residents. I am excited to see this grow into a way for us to connect with people of different backgrounds. More to come soon….!


Bay Leaves, Silver Spring, and Housing Availability


Communications and Feb 6 Board Meeting